
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-07
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摘 要:室内空气中二氧化硫主要来源于大气,我国城市大气污染严重,以煤炭为主的能源结构,不成熟的脱硫技术和排污标准偏低等一系列问题造成我国二氧化硫污染严重的事实。尤其是冬季北方燃煤量增大,我们对冬天工作环境中二氧化硫浓度进行测定,测定方法主要采用室内空气质量标准(GB/T18883-2002)中甲醛吸收-副玫瑰苯胺分光光度法。通过测定标样的标准曲线,加标回收率和检出限确认方法,然后利用该方法实际检测民用建筑内空气中二氧化硫浓度是否达到国家标准,结果发现冬季室内环境二氧化硫含量虽然随着燃煤量增加有所增加,但是基本没有超过国家标准。



Abstract:The main sources of sulfur dioxide in indoor air is from the atmosphere, our country city air pollution is serious, coal-dominated energy structure,not mature desulfurization technology and emission standard on the low side and a series of problems caused by China's sulfur dioxide pollution serious fact.Especially coal consumption increases in winter of North, We work on sulfur dioxide concentration determination in Winter Environmental, Determination of method mainly adopts the standard of indoor air quality (GB / T18883-2002) of indoor air quality in formaldehyde absorption - pararosaniline Spectrophotometry.Through the standard curve of standard samples in the determination,The confirmation method of recovery and detection limit,then uses the actual detection of the civil construction of sulfur dioxide in air is reached the national standard, it was found the winter indoor environmental sulfur dioxide content with increasing coal increased, but no more than the national standard.

Keywords: sulfur dioxide, spectrophotometer, formaldehyde absorption - pararosaniline Spectrophotometry

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:通过实验所得到的数据可以看出室内二氧化硫浓度随着室外二氧化硫浓度变化而变化,且趋势一样,除了厨房和卧室之外的其他房间二氧化硫浓度变化不大,卧室由于冬季取暖的原因二......
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