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资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-22
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Abstract:Tanning industry is a heavily polluting industries, mainly because of tannery wastewater contains large amounts of protein, dyes, grease, sulfide, chromium salt, and slag wool high biochemical oxygen demand of the soluble organic and inorganic matter and suspended solids and potentially toxic metal salts. In addition, tanning process, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and other volatile organic compounds, and protein decomposition of solid waste will produce toxic gases or bad smell. Although the deterioration of the environment with high concentrations of ammonia and chromium species on the human body and biological hazards present there is no quantitative, but certainly a high concentration of ammonia and chromium will bring some harm to the human body. Tannery pollution caused the almost total crop failure of crops, day filled with the stench in the air and contaminated water, seriously endangering the health of residents in recent years, residents in a variety of abnormal head constantly, even recruiting local youth Few qualified medical phenomenon.

   The domestic study on the process and technology of synthetic effluent treatment in tannery from aspects of chemical and physical treatment and biological treatment is summarized. As far as chemistry method is concerned,this article intruduces the history of a study on the process and technology of synthetic effluent treatment in tannery ,and points out its developing direction of green chemical techniques.And as far as biology method is concerned,this article intruduces the domestic study on aeration technology ,oxidation ditch,sequencing batch reactor(SBR),biofilm and so on.As the domestic tannery companies are generally on small scales,it is believed that the SBR is suitable for the treatment of wastwater from domestic tannery companies.

   Outlines the status of tannery industrial wastewater, operation of the tannery waste treatment technology resources are reviewed. That the resources of the processing technology and production processes are closely integrated solution sets the best tanning wastewater pollution arrest Trail.

Key words:tannery wastewater;wastewater treatment;Cleaner Production


上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:概述了我国制革工业废水现状,对制革废水资源化处理技术进行综述。认为将资源化处理技术与生产工艺紧密结合是解决制革废水污染的最佳捷径。......
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