
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-02
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关键词:娱乐企业 安全标准化 评定指标 考核标准 持续改进


ABSTRACT:For Chongqing entertainment enterprise safety standardization compliance requirements and entertainment companies incidents, how to make the most of Chongqing entertainment companies to three assessment standards is particularly important, in view of this, according to the standardization of production safety laws and relevant regulation standards and investigation entertainment business organization and operating situation, the establishment of Chongqing entertainment standardization of enterprise security evaluation standard indicators, from the safety management system, investment in security, education and training, occupational health, emergency rescue, performance evaluation, continuous improvement, etc. proceed with the assessment. And then the entertainment business for pilot studies to analyze the established safety assessment indicators are comprehensive and effective, and make corrective recommendations. The safety standard for low entertainment enterprises, further make clear work objectives, tasks, measures and responsibilities. Eventually the city’s entertainment business can achieve three standardized business can achieve better secondary and even a standardization.

Key words: Entertainment business; Safety standardization; Evaluation index; Assessment criteria; Continuous improvement




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本次研究,从国内外安全生产标准化发展历程、娱乐企业安全生产标准化工作现状、企业安全生产标准化相关标准、娱乐企业组织机构及经营情况、调查欧比斯网吧会所到中天大酒店娱......
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