
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-02
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关键词:高校教师 职业紧张 控制环节 改善措施


ABSTRACT:In recent years, university teachers' occupational stress is becoming more and more serious, in order to prevent and control teachers' occupational stress, we carry out this study

   We reviewed 39 literatures which about university teachers' occupational stress over the past decade, and do pooled analyses of university teachers' occupational stressors. According to the method described in the manual, we classify the stressors and determine the control points of teachers' occupation stress. Then we use the Decision Tree to find out the key control links which can prevent and control occupational stress for the university teacher and put forward some suggestions according to the results.

   In this study we found that the control points for the university teachers' stress are job demands, job control, social support, physical environment, work–life balance and working time, recognition at work, and job security, and among which the key control are social support, work–life balance and working time, recognition at work, and job security. We suggest that the prevention and control measures for the improvement of teachers' occupational stress can depend on these four aspects, so it can effectively improve university teachers' occupational stress level.

Keywords: Academics; Occupational Stress; Control Links; Improvement Measures






上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本研究通过汇总教师职业紧张和压力来源,结合国际劳工组织出版的《预防职业紧张的控制点》[1]来确定高校教师预防及控制职业紧张的关键控制点,并针对其关键控制点提出相应的改......
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