
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-02
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关键词:交巡警 职业危害 风险评价 


ABSTRACT:Current Traffic Patrol is a special occupational groups, they bear the traffic management, a number of functions such as criminal law enforcement, security management, and serving the people, most of their duty post in the densely populated, traffic is heavy traffic junctions. Flow for Chongqing Traffic Patrol, whether it is a fixed platform or car (mobile) platform, is still facing these occupational hazards .The topics to Chongqing Mobile Patrol platform as the research object, through a full investigation, the survey of occupational hazards in the working environment of the Traffic Patrol, on the Long Xing Patrol Battalion working environment of ambient noise, the dust concentration detection, And measuring Results: Long Xing Patrol Detachment 3 Gang point often on duty operating environment is more serious dust pollution, including fixed concentration of dust Gang point 4.67mg/m3, Nan Long Men 5.95mg/m3, Two Rivers Avenue 5.0mg/m3; selection the five measurement points noise measured value 69.96 ~ 73.95LeqdB (A). Therefore, we should improve Patrol working environment, strengthen personal protection and other aspects of occupational health controls and actively take measures to protect the health of current Patrol.

Keywords: Traffic Patrol; Occupational hazards; Risk Assessment




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:通过充分调研,在调查其职业健康状况的基础上,详细辨识交巡警工作环境的职业危害因素,重点对交巡警工作环境周围噪声,粉尘浓度进行检测,并对各因素的职业危害进行健康风险......
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