视频显示终端(VDT)作业脑力负荷的初步研究 .rar

资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-02
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关键词: VDT作业 劳动时间及强度 脑力负荷 主观评分  生理评定法


ABSTRACT:In the current society, system operators are gradually convert from direct operator into surveillance personnel and decision makers, most of the traditional manual labor is gradually replaced by the mental labor. With the operator through the VDT need to deal with the mental labor is increasing, the information processing requirements more stringent, make the mental workload operators to bear more and more. Therefore, the mental workload to correct understanding and evaluation of operator, has a long-term significance is more and more important in the application and development of the supervision and management, our country occupation health man-machine efficacy. This paper focuses on the mental load from two aspects of labor time and labor intensity.

   Because the brain fatigue mechanism is relatively complex, there are many factors influencing the mental workload, so there is not a standard method of objective and accurate evaluation of the mental workload. This paper compares the present many of the major mental workload evaluation methods, selected the subjective grading method and physiological evaluation experiments on volunteers. And the results of data were analyzed and discussed, in work time and work strength obtains the VDT operation on the mental workload. Finally, according to the result of the discussion, and puts forward some feasible suggestions to improve the VDT operator's working environment and working time related aspects.

Keywords: VDT work; time of labour and labour intensity; mental workload; subjective scoring; Physiological score method 





上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:通过查阅相关资料发现VDT作业人员连续工作时间一般较长,而且没有固定的休息时间,往往是作业者本人感觉到头晕或眼睛模糊等症状时才知道休息,但往往此时他们的身体已处于非常......
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