
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-30
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ABSTRACT:With the development and progress of human society, people's living standards have been improving, leisure time increasing, and people to meet the demand of material life at the same time, there is a higher pursuit of material consumption idea and life value. So, tourism activities will be necessary, especially sports tourism has become the focus of this century. Sports tourism as an important part of modern tourism, leisure, fitness, and with its characteristics, to bring a new life experience. This paper is divided into five chapters to describe the Chinese sports tourism, the first chapter on the concept, characteristics of sports tourism and development advantages are expounded; the second chapter is the analysis of the present situation of the industry; the third chapter points out the existing problems in the development of sports tourism in China; the fourth chapter analyzes the development of sports tourism in China has the potential; the last chapter puts forward the development of sports tourism in China and the corresponding countermeasures. The purpose is to make people understand the current situation and development prospect of Chinese sports tourism, and hope that the proposed measures for its rapid development, to contribute to the development of Chinese sports tourism..

Keywords: Sports tourism; Potential; Problems; Countermeasure analysis


上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:本文分五个章节对中国体育旅游做描述,第一章对体育旅游的概念、特点及发展优势进行阐述;第二章主要是该产业的现状分析;第三章指出了目前中国发展体育旅游所存在的问题......
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