
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-12
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【关键词】中美贸易  贸易顺差  产品内分工


【Abstract】Since China joined the WTO at the end of 2001, Chinese trade surplus with the United States has continued to rise. In 2006, Chinese trade surplus with the United States was nearly 144.3 billion US dollars, increased 26.4 percent over the previous year, and in 2007, Chinese trade surplus was 163.32 billion US dollars, grew 15% over 2006. There are many factors lead Chinese trade surplus with the United States to continue, and including a very important reason is that the upgrading of the American and East Asian countries’ industries transfer to China, especially that the transfer of labor-intensive processing link caused to the Intra-Product Specialization and Intra-Product Trade. In this paper, empirical analysis shows that there is existence of a long-term relationship cointegration between Intra-Product Trade and Chinese trade surplus with the USA, and it’s just the source of the overall trade surplus between China and the United States.

【Key Word】Chinese trade with the USA; Trade surplus; Intra-Product Specialization




上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:本文运用中国入世以来中美间贸易的相关数据,分析了中美贸易顺差的原因以及给两国带来的影响,同时提出一些意见和建议。总的来说,中国对美国的商品出口将保持一定的增长速度......
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