
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-26
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Abstract: Since stepping into the new century, development of animation industry is the trend of China's future industrial restructuring. But now the Chinese animation industry has quite a lot of problems. For example, the industrial chain imperfect, ability to control the lack of cultural resources. They are hampering the process of industrial development. In the developed country, animation industry has become an important national competition for the media industry. Therefore, in order to achieve the animation industry's health and sustainable development, we must actively take measures to solve the current problems facing so that the animation industry in China in the 21st century truly become an important economic growth point.

Keywords: Animation industry; problems; international experience




上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:为了实现动漫产业的健康、可持续发展,我们必须积极采取相应对策,解决当前所面临的难题,使动漫产业真正成为中国21世纪的一个重要经济增长点。本文从概述中内外动漫产业的优劣......
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