
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-26
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Abstract: SME is to promote economic development, market economy, the main structure, and promote social stability force. Especially the present, to ensure that moderate economic growth, alleviate employment pressures, to achieve through science and education, optimizing the economic structure, etc., are playing an increasingly important role. To this end, the correct guidance of small state-owned enterprise reform, and vigorously support the development of various types of small and medium enterprises, has become an urgent strategic task. This article is on the southern and northern Jiangsu region through comparative studies of SMEs, the use of objective data to elucidate the theory of experts, and for the existing problems and measures for their targeted recommendations and look forward to accelerating the development of SMEs in Jiangsu, achieve common prosperity Purposes.

Keywords:SMEs; comparative studies; technological innovation




上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:本文是通过对苏南与苏北地区中小企业的比较研究,利用客观的数据阐发专家的理论,并针对存在的问题提出自己针对性的建议和措施,期待加快江苏中小企业的发展,达到共同富裕的......
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