
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-10
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Abstract:With the continuous improvement of people's living conditions and the people pursuing better quality of life, more and more people have wanted to pet idea, pet types are also increasingly diversified, especially in the big city economy developed, such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain as a pet store opened, the rapid development of the industry is bound to lead to the aggravation of the market competition in addition, because the pet sales management, with the manual has been far to adapt to the rapid development of the demand. Also the urgent need to speed up the process of information management. Pet shop website should be not only to achieve the purpose of pet sales and the cost is low and the pet shop a lot more convenient so gradually become mainstream. This paper mainly introduces the pet shop website construction, sales process, the main function, information, organization and implementation.

   This web site is to provide the commodity management, as the pet store managers and based on customer order management, customer management, pet sales functions at the same time, ASP, IIS, Dreamweaver and Access as the main development tool design is established, according to the pet shop sales management requirements to realize the display of goods from the front of the member login,, pet sale to the backstage management and a series of functions, truly in the online shopping is like shopping in a store.

Keywords: commodity management; pet sales order management; ASP


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:本网站是基于为宠物店管理人员和顾客提供商品管理,订单管理,客户管理,宠物销售等功能的同时,以ASP、IIS、Dreamweaver和Access作为主要的开发工具设计建立的,本文就主要介绍了宠物......
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