
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:自由猫 更新时间:2014-01-23
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【Abstract】The documentary is a documentary and artistic combination of art, current, documentary is not only a few people can understand the art, it needs more widely accepted and recognized, to make the documentary good-looking, saying the story mode is very important, use conflict pin pad, suspense, excitement, ellipsis point skill set, material for stories, to make it more easy for the audience accepted and approved. This article from the documentary storytelling expression level on the documentary last train home for analysis. On one hand, from the movie language angle, on the video for people and the environment, people and people, people and three aspects constitute the pressure and confrontation narrative technique are analyzed, and pointed out that the behavior of the film's narrative technique to power; on the other hand, from the view of society, for the film the social significance of analysis and that interpretation, narrative and social significance of the perfect combination to form the tension of the film.

【Key words】Documentary storytelling; Expression; Last train home




上传会员 自由猫 对本文的描述:本论文对纪录片《归途列车》进行深入的分析。一方面,从电影化语言角度,对影片中的人与环境、人与人、人与自我三方面构成的“压力与对抗”叙事手法实行分析,并指出这种行为......
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