
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:自由猫 更新时间:2014-01-23
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关键词:新闻采访; 新闻心理学; 心理压力; 采访心理; 记者; 受访者


Abstract:A more important forum in the journalistic work can be said that the news interview, the main body of the news interview by a reporter with the respondent, the interaction between them in addition to words, actions, more importantly, is the psychological language. The integrated use of journalism and psychology, two fields, News psychology this emerging discipline of performance of the reporters in the press interview with the respondent psychological pressure and analyze the causes of stress and impact, and finally some response to pressure measures in the hope to bring some positive significance for the smooth conduct of the interview.

Keywords: news interview, Journalism Psychology, Psychological pressure, interview with the psychological, reporter, respondents





上传会员 自由猫 对本文的描述:本文运用了新闻学和心理学两个领域,即“新闻心理学”这个新兴学科来阐述新闻采访中记者与受访者心理压力的表现并分析压力产生的原因及影响,从而提出一些应对压力的措施,希......
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