
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-28
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Abstract: Environment constructions play an important role in the city image, the development of people in an all-round way as well as promote the construction of cities which are easy to live in..Suqian has achieved a huge development in the construction of environment, however, there still exist many ecological problems which are very urgent to be solved. It should strengthen the constructions of cultural environment, transform ecological strengths into economical ones, carry out scientific and harmonious development, develop ecological industry, and reinforce the publicity of environmental construction in order to make an environmental protection system in which everyone can take part, to perfect both the law and the supervision systems. What's more, Suqian should also punish those whose behaviors go against the regulation of environmental construction so as to promote the economic development.

Keywords: Environmental construction; Economic development; Choice of path



上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:应该加强人文市容环境建设,变人文市容环境优势为经济优势、积极贯彻科学和谐发展观,大力发展生态产业、加强环境建设宣传力度,构建环境保护公众参与体系、完善法律制度与监......
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