
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-03
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关键词:后配额时代; 纺织产业; SWOT分析


Abstract: This Paper takes the textile industry of Changle as the object of my study, integrated the comparative study between at home and abroad on the competitive advantages in textile industry in Changle, making use of the study frame of SWOT model, systematically analyzing and studying international competitive advantages in textile and industry in Changle. When studying this topic, the writer comprehensively used standardization analysis, and empirical analysis for studying way, combined qualitative study with quantitative study dealt with the materials and data structurally, at the same time, making sure the advantages and disadvantages of Changle textile industry. This paper put forward the strategic choice and suggestion on how to improve the international competitive advantages in textile industry in Changle in order to realize leaping——over development of textile and clothing industry in Changle from made in Changle as the victory to created in Changle as the victory for references.

Keywords: n-quotation times; the textile industry of Changle; SWOT model



上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:本文以长乐纺织业为研究对象,结合对长乐纺织进行的国内外比较研究,运用SWOT分析模型对长乐纺织进行系统的研究。在分析中,综合运用了规范分析和实证分析方法,将定性与定量研......
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