
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-13
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关键词:体育设施  对外开放 优化配置


Abstracts:Ten in 2001 the Ministry of Education promulgated the "Sports and Health Course" ("New Standard"), "New Standard" states: "sports, the equipment is to enhance quality education, improve teaching quality and enhance the material to ensure that the Student Health . "developed countries, primary and secondary schools and sports equipment and facilities with the directory, calling on the school planned, steps to improve the sports facilities. However, because conditions for running the school are very different, not very great importance for the physical education curriculum, and its sports facilities to improve the effect is not significant, further development of this sport has played a significant impediment. In addition, since the "National Fitness Program" and the 1995 National Sports Commission issued a "public relations ten stadiums open to the public notice" since the implementation of the State Sports General Administration and Ministry of Education schools in the country were open to the public sports facilities pilot, however, in general, opening of school physical education facilities and resources status is not satisfactory. 

  Based on the Nanjing Xiaozhuang College research and analysis of the city with a status of primary and secondary schools and sports facilities open to the status quo; use of economic evaluation theory, the analysis of efficiency in the use of PE facilities in the content, use of school facilities is proposed Benefit Assessment index system and conceptual model, and use this model from the qualitative point of view of the Nanjing Institute of Xiao Zhuang efficiency in the use of sports facilities, come to Nanjing Xiaozhuang College sports facilities to use less efficient conclusion. Finally, to increase investment and improve the efficiency of the two suggestions put forward. 

Keywords: optimal allocation of sports facilities open

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:分析了本市高校体育设施的配备现状和对外开放现状;利用经济效益评价理论,分析了高校体育设施使用效益的内涵,提出了学校设施使用效益评价指标体系和概念模型,并利用此模型......
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