
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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摘要:随着民营经济的发展, 我国民营企业的档案数量日趋增多,在企业发展中的作用越来越显著。如何加强民营企业档案资源的管理、开发和利用, 促进民营企业的快速、健康发展,已成为民营企业的一项重要任务。本文从我国民营企业的实际情况出发,以档案管理学理论为指导,全面阐述了如何加强民营企业档案管理的具体途径和方法,那就是建立一支综合素质高、结构合理的档案人员队伍;制定相对完善的规章制度;加强企业档案的日常管理;努力开发和利用民营企业的档案资源。只有通过这些行之有效的举措,民营企业的档案管理才能规范有序,才会更好地促进民营企业的发展。



Abstract: With the development of private economy, the file number of private enterprises in China is increasing and it has a more and more significant role in enterprise development. How to strengthen the resources of private enterprise file management, development and utilization, and promote rapid and healthy development of private enterprises, private enterprises has become an important task. Starting from the actual situation of China's private enterprises, file management theory as a guide, a comprehensive exposition of the ways and means of how to strengthen private enterprise records management, that is the establishment of a comprehensive high quality, reasonable structure and file workforce; to develop relatively complete rules and regulations; strengthen the day-to-day management of the enterprise file; efforts to develop and utilize the resources of private enterprise file. Only through effective initiatives of private enterprise file management can be orderly and will better promote the development of private enterprises.

Keywords: private enterprises; management of file; talent; rules and regulations; development and utilization

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:民营企业档案管理比较薄弱,严重影响着整个企业的健康发展。那么,如何才能扭转这一不利局面呢?民营企业的档案资源如何才能管理得好,发挥其应有的作用呢?本文试就此作一初......
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