
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-20
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[Abstract] Etiquette is an important part of human civilization, China is known as the "ceremonies" in the world. China's etiquette has experienced a long and complicated process. With the continuous development of society and economy continues to boom, the ritual has become an indispensable part of people's social life, Etiquette cultivation has become the basic literacy to modern man. Business etiquette is just one of many rituals, and then Negotiation etiquette is one of the Business Etiquette. Negotiations etiquette focus on norms, whether it is pre-negotiation preparation ritual, Negotiations conversation etiquette or Image of etiquette, all not violation of these principles, and these principles is to promote the smooth progress of the driving force behind business. Etiquette strategies in the business negotiation for the negotiating parties have a greater or lesser extent, these effects can promote a successful completion of negotiations, can help the negotiating parties to reach the best results.

[Key words] Etiquette; Business Etiquette; Negotiation Etiquette; impact of etiquette

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:作为一个商务人员,很多的专家学者都提到了一个商务人员的穿着要求,从卫生问题到手姿、站姿、坐姿等礼仪,再到男女不同的着装要求,这些都是礼仪中的一部分,更是商务谈判中......
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