
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-26
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摘要:基于江阴市长江岸线资源实际情况,从港口布局对岸线资源所需条件入手,选取岸线稳定性、岸线前沿水深两个评价因子构成评价指标体系,采用单项因子评价单元叠加的方法划分出最终评价单元,对其岸线资源宜港条件进行评价,遵循综合分析与主导因素相结合的原则,以限制性因素的等级为评价岸段最终等级,将江阴市长江岸线划分为三个宜港等级,其中根据岸线分级指标要求,1级岸线指0m等深线外200m以内水深达8 m或以上,岸线稳定或微冲不淤,航道水域宽度与后方陆域宽度佳,可满足10000t级或以上船舶进出和停泊需要的岸线;2级岸线指0m等深线外200m以内水深在5-8m之间,岸线冲刷或微淤,航道水域宽度与陆域宽度佳,可满足2000-1 0000t级以上船舶进出和停泊需要的岸线;3级岸线指0m等深线外200m内水深不足5m,稳定性条件差,航道水域宽度或后方陆域场地狭窄,只能满足2000t级以下船舶航行和停泊需要的岸线。

关键词:宜港条件评价; 岸线稳定性; 岸线前沿水深; 长江岸线; 江阴市


Abstract: Taking the waterfront along Yangtze River mainstream in Jiangyin as an example, based on scientific and reasonable division of riverbank cell and evaluation index system with two primary evaluating factors such as stability of waterfront and water depth within 200m from 0m, this paper first evaluates waterfront resource condition and divides them into three grades. The first waterfront is steady or scoured slightly but not deposited with water depth under 8m, satisfied with the need of the ships with a tonnage of ten thousand ton or more. The second waterfront is scoured or deposited slightly with water depth 5-8m, satisfied with the need of the ships with a tonnage of one thousand ton or more. The third waterfront is scoured or deposited violently with water depth above 5m, only satisfied with the need of the ships with a tonnage of less than one thousand ton. All the job provides some important consultation for scientific and reasonable utilization and exploitation of water-front resources of the Yangtze River in Jiangyin.

Key words: the condition of suitability for port; riverbank of the Yangtze River; riverbank stability; water depth; Jiangyin

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:本文主要选取岸线稳定性、岸线前沿水深2个主要因子作为江阴市岸线资源宜港条件评价因子,兼顾考虑岸前航道水域和后方陆域场地宽度2个限制性因子。......
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