
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-31
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[关键词]    中国    新时期   秘书工作  基本特点 


[Abstract]At present, our country socialist economic development and deepending, and with the world economy, the Secretary of the social contact is widely. The society pay more attention to the Secretary talents, secretary discipline develops steadily, the secretary personnel embarked on jobs, services to different objects. Along with the Chinese economy system changes, had a private secretary, the private secretary and other new secretary, the Secretary of the work content are diverse,

From the instrument, archives of the change to the Secretary of the general staff, public relations work changes, reflected the change of the secretary work in the new period. At the same time, the development of science and technology brings the secretarial work means modernization, modernization of the office secretary office efficiency is improved obviously. The secretary is female, female secretary to its own advantages in the work of the Secretary of cut a striking figure, become secretary team in a strong team.

[Key words]  China   The new period   Secretary work   Basic characteristics

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:掌握秘书职业基本技能,具备较强的口头表达能力和书面表达能力,能够起草企事业单位的各种公文;掌握现代办公技术,熟悉办公室事务,能够胜任企事业单位行政管理、文字处理、......
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