
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-14
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关键词:秘书; 认知偏差; 社会公众; 领导者


Abstract: Clues recognize bias current social secretary, respectively, from three of the public, the secretary, leader, focusing on three aspects of discourse of the social status quo of the Secretary of the role of cognitive biases, such that the secretary is the embodiment of leadership, Ben, small honey slave, vases, one of us, secretary jobs without respect and ease of corruption and other issues. Objective analysis of the causes: the Secretary of uneven quality and the lack of comprehensive understanding of the deviation of the social values ​​and ignorance of the media rendering. Further corrected is given based on the actual ideas and measures: specification Secretary of the induction system, improve the national system of, the Secretary to improve their own ability and overall quality of the community to properly understand the secretary post, various types of media should disseminate correct positions of Secretary message. I hope with the exposition of this article, for people to crack this cognitive bias theory of reference and draw.

Keywords: Secretary;  Cognitive biases;  The public;  leader

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:对于以上的社会认识偏差,前人提出的对策有建立规章制度,加强职业道德建设,制定适用于我国国情的职业道德标准,用职业道德作为职业准入的标准,从而实现自我的约束和管理;......
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