
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-05
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摘  要:旅游景区是旅游业的重要组成部分,如何通过体制改革使之适应新的趋势与要求是近年来众多专家和学者研究的热点。





Abstract: The market economy has helped the development of tourism, and also made new requirements. Tourism attractions are important parts of the tourism industry, experts and academics are focusing on how to reform the structure of the management system.

   Before the reform, the tourism attractions in our country, especially the mountain scenic areas, were in the administrative mode under the Planned Economy. The market wasn’t active. And the economic value of the resources was not reflected. And there were many departments in the management process. It was inefficient. Against these problems, the government and tourism attractions started to try new ways of management to make the scenic spots more suitable for the needs of the market economy, therefore, to get better economic results. Among them, The Yellow Mountain and the Bi Feng Xia are successful examples. But there were some problems during the reform. 

   This article discusses the problems and the solutions of the management system from the life cycle point. It tells us the problems after the reform first. Then it discusses the content of the life cycle theory and its requirements on the management system. At last, it combines these two parts and suggests the ways of optimization in the reform process.

Keywords:mountain scenic area, system of management, life cycle, optimization

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:我们已经对旅游景区进行了一系列的体制改革,成果显著但仍然存在着一些问题,这就需要理论方面的指导。多角度地去分析问题才能够让体制更完善,才能够让景区更有活力,本文就......
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