
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-05
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摘 要:海洋文化是指人类对海洋的认识、观念、思想、意识、心态,以及由此而生成的生活方式包括经济结构、法规制度、衣食住行习俗和语言文学艺术等形态,论文通过分析江苏海洋文化旅游发展的条件和优势,指出了当前江苏海洋文化旅游发展存在问题,探讨了江苏海洋文化旅游发展的方向和主要类型,并从休闲度假与观光旅游同步发展、高端市场与大众市场协调发展、国际品牌与国内品牌建设协调发展、现代时尚文化与传统文化协调发展等方面,提出了未来加快江苏海洋文化旅游发展的主要对策。

关键词:海洋文化、江苏海洋文化旅游 存在问题 发展对策


Abstract: This paper advances some problems during the development based on the advantages of Jiangsu marine culture and tourism. For instance, attach importance to tourism economy, but look down on tourism culture, even substitute sense of tourism economy for tourism culture. To the exploitation of the marine historic culture relic which is regarded as humanity tour spot and tour region, there is the phenomenon of the utilitarian exploitation. There is lack of multi-discipline integration and cooperative engagement of the development of marine culture and tourism. So I advance the types of the future development of marine culture and tourism. For example, ocean history and culture tourism, marine religious and cultural tourism, marine folk culture tourism, marine festival culture and tourism, marine leisure culture and tourism, culture and tourism of marine science, and so on. I also advance the methods of the future development of marine culture and tourism. For example, leisure and the simultaneous development of tourism, urban public services quality and coordinated development of tourism service quality, high-end market and the coordinated development of mass market, coordination of international brands and the development of domestic brands, and modern fashion culture and traditional culture development and so on.

Key words: marine culture; marine culture tourism; existing problems; development countermeasures

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:江苏区域海洋文化旅游资源内涵丰厚,特色鲜明。该区位于我国沿海的中北部,包括连云港、盐城、南通三个地级市。拥有历史悠久、荟萃多种海洋文化,“西游记文化”、“江海文化......
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