
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-05
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Abstract: Tourism rapid developments put forward higher request of tourism professional manager,also shows China tourism professional managers’ all aspects of missing. This paper puts forward the core competitiveness of the professional managers from three aspects, firstly is personal knowledge reserves, followed by professional skill level, EQ level and moral quality is also indispensable part. Meanwhile, in order to build a harmonious society, the harmonious enterprise, professional managers own mission, sense of responsibility, and crisis is the necessary conditions in building the core competitiveness of professional managers. Analyzing the development of tourism professional manager's team in China and suggested some advices of training managers’ mode, and also guide our college students to set up the correct employment idea.

Key words: tourism professional managers, Core competitiveness, Enterprise value.

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:鉴于中国旅游产业的现状,大部分的研究重点集中在目前旅游职业经理人最关系也最突出的职业道德,与家族企业,国营企业的关系等方面,偶有旅游职业经理人能力建模研究,与其他......
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