
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-06
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摘  要:本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数据统计法,对丽江市玉龙县美泉完小开展足球运动的现状进行调查和研究。通过与教师的访谈,以及对学生和家长的问卷调查得知开展足球运动对学生的运动参与、运动技能、身体健康、心理健康、社会适应五方面都有积极作用。本文旨在为丽江市玉龙县小学足球运动能够更好地开展起来。以美泉完小为例,通过对美泉完小的师资队伍、场地器材设施、足球运动的开展现状和阻碍因素进行调查分析,并提出相应的建议,为足球运动在丽江市玉龙县的开展提供参考。



ABSTRACT:This thesis chooses the Meiquan primary school in Yulong Lijiang as research object , basically, methods of field interview, data analysis, etc. to carry out investigation and analysis of the football current situation about Meiquan primary school, to understand better the present development situation of football sports in Meiquan primary school. According to the interview with teachers, as well as questionnaire survey with the students and their parents know that develop football games plays a positive role in five aspects, including of students participate in sports, sports skills, health, mental health, social adjustment. This thesis aims at let the football of Meiquan primary school developing better, after researched the ranks of teachers, the equipment and facilities of field, and analyzed present situation of development, influencing factors about football,this thesis puts forward several corresponding countermeasures.

Keywords: Meiquan primary school; football; present situation

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:让每个少年儿童从小有机会接触足球,保障他们参与足球运动的权利,提供参与足球活动的平台,以培养对足球的兴趣。在足球运动中竞争与协调、胜利与失败、求胜欲望和规则限制、......
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