
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-10
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关键字:数学教学; 空间想象力; 策略


Abstract:The new curriculum standards emphasizes the student's quality education, especially the development of various abilities. As a mathematics teacher how to train the students in teaching, various aspects ability is the key to improve students' mathematical quality, space imagination is mathematics teaching must cultivate one of the basic mathematical ability, it is to show people the space form of objective things carries on the observation, analysis and abstract ability, is the logical thinking and geometrical knowledge and related skills, experience of fusion. This mathematical ability features it can in your mind of object of study space constitutes the shape and concise structure, and can be of real some operating in mind for the corresponding thinking. Therefore, in the teaching, how to cultivate the students' space imagination ability is not only the important content of middle school mathematics teaching, but also an important aspect of intellectual development. 

Key words:Mathematical education ;  Space imagination;  Strategy

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:本文以空间想象力培养为目标, 结合教材中的相关内容,首先对空间想象力的定义进行一定的认识,其次对空间想象力的现状进行分析,最后针对教学中的空间想象能力的培养的发展阶......
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