
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-10
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关键字:中学数学; 知识内化; 内化特征; 影响因素; 教学设计


Abstract:Based on the relevant domestic and international research in the teaching of the theory of knowledge to explore the inside of the Mathematics Classroom. Only deep inside of the classroom teaching, can look forward to carrying the new curriculum. Teaching should not only concern the internalization theory of knowledge, but also based on the theory of operation within the level of innovation. In this paper, under the new curriculum in secondary school mathematics teaching knowledge of the problem from the theoretical and operational level research.

  The first part of the new Curriculum for mathematics teaching in secondary schools within the knowledge of the issues of background, the significance of the study to analyze the situation discussed.

  The second part of this thesis, the use of literature, knowledge of mathematics teaching in secondary schools within the principles of the concept, several psychological stages, a few coping strategies in the classroom from a theoretical study carried out systematic exploration

  The third part, with their own classroom teaching practice to the concept of middle school mathematics, formulas, theorems, exercises within the knowledge of teaching design technology levels from the operation of a specific inquiry.

 Key words: the middle school mathematics; Knowledge internalization Internalization characteristic; 

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:课堂教学的内容是分科进行的,它是按照各学科的课程标准,依据教科书进行实施教学的,这样可以系统全面地提高学生各方面的知识素养:教师与学生交流、学习最多的地方则是课堂,......
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