
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:花花99 更新时间:2014-05-31
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摘 要:课程设置应根据社会需求来调整和确定,要为课程设置需求的多元化服务。学校在设置课程体系的过程中,应加强社会对本专业人才需求的阶段研究,不断适应变化的市场人才需求。职业学校的课程设置应突出职业导向,能力素质的中心地位及社会性和实用性。学生掌握专业技能的深度和广度是学生走向社会的基础,学生能否适应社会市场人才需求,就看学生对专业技能水平的掌握。学生能否体现专业技能主要在于学校的课程设置。文章运用文献资料、实地调查等研究方法,对滇南武校武术专业技能课程体系组成成分进行理性思考和分析。滇南武校在专业技能课程设置方面与一般的武术学校基本相同,主要教学内容都是套路和散打,但滇南武校的套路和散打技术课程无论在教学内容的安排上和教学时间上均注重专项基本功和专项素质的强化。学校在保证足够的专项基本功和专项素质的前提下突出个人单项的专业化。 

关键词: 滇南武校;专业技能;课程设置


ABSTRACT:Curriculum should be adjusted to establish based on social needs so as to diversify its service. In the establishment process, school decision makers must make further research on what society needs, adapting to various requirement of talent market. Curriculum establishment of school should be focused on training for students’ future career, capability, and practical applicability. Weather school students can adapt to social needs or not depends on their professional skill levels. The author studied the curriculum of Diannan Wushu school by document literature and research on there. Curriculum of school is almost the same with others’, mainly including wushu routine and free combat. While not only content of courses but also the time arrangement, the curriculum of wushu routine and free combat of school is focused on consolidating courses’ elements and qualities, so school shall train students’ professionalization on the base of the premises.

Keywords: Diannan Wushu School;professional skill;Curriculum

上传会员 花花99 对本文的描述:本文通过对滇南武校武术专业技能课程的构成体系进行分析与研究,旨在揭示滇南武校专业人才培养和专业人才的知识与技能贮备对社会需求的满足,为滇南武校专业技能课程设置更加......
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