
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:花花99 更新时间:2014-05-31
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摘 要:通过对XX学院体育专业学生的上网行为调查分析表明:上网已经成为了体育专业学生课余生活的重要内容;上网的主要目的是休闲娱乐及交流;男生上网时间明显多于女生。对于一些心理发育不成熟的大学生来说,网络成瘾不仅影响学习和身体健康,还会影响个性发展、价值取向形成等深层次的东西,甚至会改变大学生的人生之路。为了使XX学院体育专业学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,提高对网络的鉴别能力、自控能力,培养健全的人格。最大限度降低网络对大学生的不良影响,本研究运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法对XX学院体育专业学生上网行为进行调查和分析。发现以下问题:学生上网地点最多在宿舍;就上网的频率来看,男生略高于女生。近15.11%的学生网络成瘾;学生在非节假日的上网时间最多。上网的目的主要是休闲、娱乐及交流,网络的学习功能被淡化。部分学生沉溺于网络游戏、聊天交友、浏览不健康信息等。



ABSTRACT:Honghe university of Physical Education through the Internet behaviors among students that: Internet has become the students after school sports an important part of life, the Internet is the main purpose of entertainment and communication, boys than girls time was the Internet. For some of the psychological development is not mature students, the Internet Addiction not only affects learning and physical health, but also affect personality development, values ​​formation and other deeper things, and even college students will change the way of life. To make Honghe university Physical Education students establish a correct world, life and values, enhance the ability to identify the network, self-control, develop a sound personality. Minimize the negative impact of Internet on college students, the use of literature study, questionnaire and statistics of professional sports on the Honghe university Students conduct Internet research and analysis. we found the following issues: Student Internet sites up in the quarters,on the Internet frequency point of view, slightly higher than boys girls. Nearly 15.11% of the students IAD, students in the most non-holiday time online. The Internet is the main purpose of leisure, entertainment and communication, network learning function are diluted. Some students indulge in online games, chat, friends, browse unhealthy information.

Key words: Honghe university,Physical Education students,Internet behavior,Investigation and analysis

上传会员 花花99 对本文的描述:通过调查可以了解到,XX学院体育专业的学生对电脑游戏情有独衷,任何体育竞赛都具有规则性、对抗性、竞技性等特点,在同学们眼中,电脑游戏就是一项日常活动,上网也已经成为了......
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