
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-11
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摘 要:多品牌战略从广义上来讲是指一个企业的产品或服务出于不同的目的或深入洞察消费者的不同需求而使用多个品牌的组合,而狭义而言就是指企业对同一或同类产品或服务使用两个或两个以上的品牌。郎酒集团现在作为我国白酒行业一家知名酒企,自2001年被宝光药业董事长汪俊林收购起,其真正发展崛起仅用了十来年的时间。而郎酒之所以能成为业界公认的“中国现代白酒第一品牌”,其独特的多品牌发展道路起着至关重要的作用。郎酒在发展前期致力于树立“中国郎”的品牌意识,近年则大打“群狼策略”,不断推行产品多元化,不断进行品牌延伸,如新郎酒、老郎酒、红花郎等三大品牌在这几年同时闪亮出台。


关键词:郎酒  多品牌战略  营销策略


ABSTRACT:Brand strategy is of great significance to improving it. If be the successful implementation of the strategy, the Langjiu leading position in the industry to consolidate, Langjiu strength will be further enhanced, “become a fine, the scale of victory” competitive advantages will become more prominent, the profitability will be greatly enhanced. If this strategy ultimately ended in failure, Lang will pay a heavy price. Many brand defeat, is likely to endanger the existing status of liquor brand in the market, so that consumers lose Langjiu liquor brand trust, marketing channel loss distribution Langjiu confidence, Langjiu investment uncollectible, the listing Corporation turning hopelessness, shareholder confidence seriously damaged, Langjiu may therefore find themselves in financial difficulties. 

   The enclosed in Langjiu liquor as a case, combined with the theory of brand strategy, the paper deeply analyzes the Langjiu facing opportunities and threats in the external environment of coordination, analysis the ICA internal strengths and weaknesses, analyses the intrinsic motivation of Langjiu company to implement brand strategy, combined with the market situation and the internal resource analysis the feasibility of the implementation of brand strategy, and put forward the strategies of brand strategy, which has a strong practical operational.

Keywords:Langjiu liquor;brand;marketing strategy

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:多品牌战略是品牌战略的一种实现形式。当今企业所面临的商业环境已经发生了本质的改变,过去一个行业只有少数几个同业者,如今每个行业都充斥着数量众多的竞争对手,并且数量......
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