
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-04
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Abstract:In recent years, as the internet and the rapid development of wireless communication, mobile internet be vividly portrayed, mobile payment as e-commerce payment instrument market space development rapidly. But because of mobile payments based on RFID technology in domestic development is restricted by various factors, in terms of practicality, safety, convenience is relatively lack, its development speed has been unable to meet the public demand for mobile payment increased.

   So, the author through to the domestic and foreign mobile payment based on RFID technology research, as well as to the existing mobile payment solutions for research and analysis, found that there were major problems, to simplify the payment process, the main problems for expanding the scope of the payment and credit, improve safety performance, to reduce the use cost and investment for the project to promote the rapid development of mobile payment, determine the optimal business model of mobile payment, mobile payment platform, to build a safe and reliable.

Keywords: Mobile-Payment, RFID-technology, Security, Solution

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:人们对于移动支付的需求正不断地增大。虽然如此,但是移动支付也面临安全性、实用性以及便利性等问题,所以如果能制定出一个解决方案,解决如今面临的所有制约发展的关键性问......
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