
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-07
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摘  要:《快乐大本营》是湖南卫视于1997年开办以全民娱乐为理念的娱乐综艺节目。自开播以来受到国内观众的广泛关注并成为湖南卫视的品牌节目之一。作为国内王牌综艺节目,《快乐大本营》的收视率屡创国内综艺节目收视冠军。2006年,《快乐大本营》进行改版创新,并在节目的收视率中再创佳绩。本文主要通过对《快乐大本营》节目的形态,主持人,节目传播策略,节目意义与价值四个方面论证得出改版后的快乐大本营成功原因,以及通过改版后的成功看出大众传播的娱乐功能以及背后其社会环境的变化。

关键词:快乐大本营  成功原因


Abstract:Happy camp hunan TV is opened in 1997 to national entertainment for the concept of variety show. Since the premiere by domestic audience since the attention and become one of the hunan satellite TV brand programs. As a domestic ace variety show, happy camp ratings repeated domestic variety show viewing champions. In 2006, "happy camp" for revision, and in the innovation program ratings make accomplishments. This paper mainly through happy camp program itself, host, program communication strategy and programme significance and value four aspects that argument edition correction the happy camp successful reason and through the revised successfully see mass entertainment functions as well as behind the changes in social environment.

Key Words:Happy camp    Successful reason

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:改版后的快乐大本营主题,内容以及形式做到了别出心裁,独具匠心。主持人的风格明确,角色的准确定位,幽默诙谐的语言以及现场的积极互动也是节目取得高收视率的关键。此外,......
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