
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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Abstract: In recent years, China's SMEs face many difficulties from the capital, technology, marketing, management, etc., which is the number one problem of financing difficulties of SMEs. SME financing as a supplement in the form of financial resources and market allocation behavior of a financial services for economic and financial operation plays an invaluable role, to a certain extent, promoted the economic development is an important source of funding for economic development, to promote economic restructuring has a positive effect, in favor of financial reform and innovation, and promote the prosperity and development of the financial industry. In this paper, the theoretical basis of the relevant SME financing, analyzing SME financing problems and the causes, and finally to promote the healthy development of SME financing proposal.

Key words: SMEs; Funds; Financing; Development

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:中小企业贷款难一直是世界性难题,每当经济不景气或者国家信贷政策收紧的时期,融资难、贷款成本高等问题就凸显出来,威胁到了中小企业的生存,甚至拖累到一方经济社会的发展......
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