
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-16
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关键词:乳化液;国标法; 皂化值; 皂化温度


Abstract:Saponification number of the emulsion is an important index of its unctuosity and cleanliness.We can grasp the saponification number of the emulsion more quickly and more efficient by optimize the research of determination condition and ascetain its physicochemical property.We employ national standard method to determine saponification number of the emulsion,in the meantime ,change backflow of saponification's time.Having discussed about employing national standard method to determine saponification number of the emulsion and analyse the results,it shows that 60min is the most reasonable.The ruselt1,which is reliable and has preferable relevance,is applicative to determine the saponification number of the emulsion accurately and expediently in labs.

Key words: emulsion; national standard method; Saponification number; saponification's time

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:目前测定皂化值的方法主要有:国标法,方法为将油脂在加热条件下与一定量过量的氢氧化钾乙醇溶液进行皂化反应,剩余的氢氧化钾以酸标准溶液进行反滴定,酚酞指示剂确定反应终......
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