
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-16
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关键词:溧阳市; 县域经济; 主导产业 


Abstract: County economy is the foundation of the national economy level and the basic cells,the strength of the county economy directly affects the rise and fall of the national economy,developing county economy is the important guarantee of rural economic prosperity. This paper researches on the economic development of Liyang county from the perspectives of leading industries,and makes sure that the leading industries of Liyang is black metal smelting and rolling processing industry and electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing.At last, This paper puts forward some countermeasures using a structure model on the leading industries of economic development of Liyang county put forward countermeasures to provide some good advices for the relevant departments.

Keywords: Liyang ; county economic ; leading industry

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:目前关于国内县域经济发展的研究内容在研究尺度上有从国家、省、城市、县等进行研究;在研究视角上有从经济竞争力、发展问题与对策、发展模式、作用与地位等进行研究。下面从......
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