
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-10
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Abstract:The material needs of the growing consumption of natural resources and non-renewable resources,waste accumulation,has posed a great threat to human survival and sustainable development.Traditional economic focus only on how to conquer and transform the nature,this purpose causes serious damage to the environment,the logistics system of resources that can not be reused causes negative impact on the environment and the bad effect are also growing,the degree of waste of resources is deppening,sustainable development capacity is getting worse.At this stage we need to change the traditional logistics operation mode,at the aim of sustainable development set the economic benefits and ecological benefits as a whole.

   Plastic packaging materials has obvious advantages in resources and is widely available,but the raw material of plastic materials-oil,is in the depletion dilemma.With the substantial increase of waste plastic pollution,plastic waste has become one of the main factors that damage the environment.

   This article first expoundes the theory of reverse logistics,analysis the sources and hazards of plastic waste,pointed out the problems of plastic waste reverse logistics development,and the necessity and feasibility of the development of reverse logistics. Then,combine with plastic waste reverse logistics development opportunities in our country, in the scientific concept of development of China's sustainable development,promote the strategy of reverse logistics development in China's plastic waste.

Key words:Reverse logistics;Sustainable development;Plastic waste; Strategy


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:首先对逆向物流的支撑理论进行阐述,分析了塑料废弃物的来源和危害,指出了我国塑料废弃物逆向物流发展中存在的问题,阐述了发展逆向物流的必要性和可行性。然后,结合我国塑......
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