
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-30
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ABSTRACT:Yunnan Province the Kaiyuan Yulu community is relying on the local public security organs to forced isolation established by the drug treatment drug rehabilitation places. Yulu community spirit of a people-centered concept, starting from the needs of drug addicts, drug treatment consolidation rate of rehabilitation as the goal, and actively explore the research, it has gone through compulsory treatment - "safe haven" program - Yulu community such a development process of change. By the function of a single compulsory treatment developed into a drug rehabilitation places drug treatment, medical care, rehabilitation, training, employment, life, community features. To help drug addicts "compulsory treatment, physical and psychological rehabilitation, integration into the community" has made ​​considerable achievements.

Keywords: Yulu community; detoxification and rehabilitation; significance




上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:由功能单一的强制戒毒所发展成为一个集戒毒、医疗、康复、培训、就业、生活、社区功能为一体的戒毒康复场所。在帮助戒毒者的“强制戒毒,身心康复,融入社会”等方面取得了可......
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