
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-30
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摘要:研究美对华政策及中美关系走向, 直接关系到我国的国家安全、经济建设、祖国统一, 乃至整体国家战略的运作。奥巴马政府上台后,基于国际国内因素,在“巧实力”战略的指导下,制定了一系列外交政策,在对华政策方面,总体上沿袭布什政府时期的政策,采取友好合作的态度,但近年来,美国在多方面对中国进行干预,如:钓鱼岛事件、南海问题等,美国大改合作态度,甚至站在中国对立面。分析这一现象产生的原因,不难看出奥巴马政府的“巧实力”外交战略在发挥作用,通过挑动中国与邻国的关系,以牵制中国的发展。



ABSTRACT:Study of U.S. policy toward China and Sino-US relations is directly related to our national security, economic development, the reunification of the motherland, even the operation of the overall national strategy. Obama administration took office, based on international and domestic factors, under the guidance of the "soft power" strategy, developed a series of foreign policy, followed the policy of the Bush administration in its China policy, on the whole, to take the attitude of friendly cooperation. but in recent years, the United States in many ways the Chinese intervention, such as: Diaoyu Island incident, the South China Sea issue, the United States to change attitude of cooperation, or even stand opposite of China. Analysis of the causes of this phenomenon is not difficult to see the Obama administration's "soft power" diplomatic strategy at work, by provoking China's relations with its neighbors, in order to contain China's development.

Keywords: "soft power" strategy; Obama government; China


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:奥巴马政府上台后,基于国际国内因素,在“巧实力”战略的指导下,制定了一系列外交政策,在对华政策方面,总体上沿袭布什政府时期的政策,采取友好合作的态度,但近年来,美国在多方......
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