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资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-30
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ABSTRACT:The development of villager autonomy system has come through more than twenty spring and autumn up to now, it has greatly stimulated the development of rurally economies and social progress. However, some problems exist in practice. For example, the general election of village committees was not implemented in place, the village official stand for the villager autonomy, low self-government power, in inadequate supervision towards the village committees. These not only go against the construction and development of villager autonomy, but also go against the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics primary-level democracy. At the same time, these are bad for construction of the new socialistic countryside. For these reasons, strengthening the village legal construction is necessary, standardize and consummate the operational mechanism of villager autonomy. Rationally confine the relation of township government, village party, villagers and village committees. Improve the comprehensive quality of villagers. Expedite the development of rural economy and cultural and other undertakings. These can make the villager autonomy continuously improve and develop, thus better promote China’s primary-level democracy. In order to learn about the development of villager autonomy, the author choose Xiao xin village of Mengzi City for a survey sample. 

Keywords: villager autonomy; primary-level democracy; self-government; legal construction


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:必须加强农村法制建设,规范和完善村民自治运行机制;合理界定乡政府、村党支部、村民与村委会之间的关系;提高村民法律意识和民主意识;加快农村经济文化等各项事业的发展,......
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