
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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关键词: 绿色壁垒,影响,广东家电行业


Abstract:As flying development of the society, green barriers to produce various influences to countries gradually, especially for international trade. Although the green barriers are in the name to protect the ecological environment and human health and safety, its essence is the tool to protect their own markets of developed countries. For the influence of our country’s industry, it’s a shock by home appliance industry. All along, the home appliance industry is one of China's pillar industries. Whether home appliances industry development of foreign trade is good or bad makes an impact to a large extent the development of China's economic. But lots of countries have developed a variety of green barriers to impede the development of China's home appliance industry, and restrictions on exports of home appliances. Guangdong Province is the province which ratio of home appliance manufacturing is higher than other province in China. Over these years, the development of Guangdong's home appliance industry was very good. However, the appearance of green barriers, for home appliance industry of China or Guangdong, become an unavoidable challenge.

Key Words:green barriers, influence, Guangdong home appliance industry





上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本篇论文通过三个章节阐述分析绿色壁垒给广东家电行业的影响及对策,综合了研究数据,并对此进行分析。由于研究时间有限,不能深入研究,数据上会存在差异;在写作上,也存在......
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