
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-12
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Abstract:Film and television and tourism two leisure elements in people's social activities and daily life is becoming more and more important. The development of tourism, will give the film and television works to bring more audience; and the success of a film and television work, also will enhance the status of tourist destination, and even create new tourism landscape. Along with the modern filming and production technology, film and television tourism also showed vigorous development trend, but as a film and television work was born film and television tourism development situation has been paid more and more attention. This paper presents a video tour of the concept and the present situation , cites the works of film and television drama for tourism brings positive effect, also pointed out that China's film and television works for tourism development brings negative effects, and on China's film and television tourism development and put forward the corresponding plan proposal. 

Key Words:Television drama; tourism; positive; negative




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文提出了影视旅游的概念和发展现状,列举了影视剧作品为旅游景区带来的积极作用,也指出了我国影视剧作品为旅游景区发展所带来的消极的影响,并对我国影视旅游的发展提出了......
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