
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:In recent years, legal profession at home has begun to pay close attention to the affection agreement which originated from western countries. No matter from the perspective of the public police, laws and regulations or even the practice, affection agreement plays a positive role in maintaining the stability of the family and the marriage in our country and at the same time, receives support and understanding from the society. However, there are no explicit rules about affection agreement in the current law and regulation of China, so standards made by various regions can not be unified in the judicial practice. The research further emphasizes the demarcation of affection agreement and the importance and necessity of the mature theory by analyzing Legislative Value, certain efficacy and the connotative theory of affection agreement, putting  forward some own ideas and opinions and providing some useful suggestions by drawing lessons from the basic foundation of affection agreement made abroad.

Key words: affection agreement; covenant marriage; legal validity; social value




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:通过分析感情协议的立法价值、效力的确定和背后的理论,进一步强调感情协议效力的界定和背后理论的成熟的重要性和必要性,并在借鉴国外对感情协议效力定位已有经验的基础提上......
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