
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-25
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Abstract:Nowadays, to test that whether a TV play is a ‘popular TV play’ in the increasingly competitive TV market could be from two standards, one is that whether it gets a strong social response, another is the ‘two rating’ reduced objectively and clearly from the industry point of view, that is ‘audience rate’ of the drama series presented by TV station, which is naturally first and undisputed evaluation method. And as a ‘raising star’, its ‘Click rate’ on video website doesn’t decline to shoulder its responsibility to become the most direct way to reflect its popular degree.

The new media age has changed ecological pattern of traditional media, especially in terms of TV Industry that carrier, content, marketing, audience etc all have major changes. While having brought impact and competition to traditional TV play, the new media has also promoted the development of the marketing model of TV play. In the context of new media, the traditional operational mode of the TV play is straining so that it could exert more capability only when the pattern of traditional TV integrates with the new media. The Development of Traditional TV Industry in the Context of New Media is just base on such a background and significance.

Key words: new media  traditional TV play  fuse





上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:新媒体时代的到来改变了传统媒体生态格局,尤其对电视剧产业而言,在载体、内容、营销、观众等方面都发生了重大变化。新媒体在给传统电视剧带来冲击与竞争的同时,也促进电视......
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