
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-20
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:10415
折扣与优惠:团购最低可5折优惠 - 了解详情 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)




Abstract:With the development of Internet technology, the production and marketing chain is more and more integrated into the e-commerce element. The consumer can establishment direct-viewing relation with the different type order which come from all over the world through the network , and complete the purchase flow through convenient and the fast operation. In order to be advantageous for the user in the product which surely counts through to the different manufacturers, different habitat parameter and product price, performance is carrying on the comparison , looks for the product quickly which are needed, reduces the purchase time as far as possible, and builds a high effective platform between the manufacturer and the consumer, This paper takes advantage of simple and high effective technology of PHP language and MySQL database , profites the most classical technical thought and the development pattern from open source community, design and develope this system. This system has mainly realized product search, user commentary, on-line purchase backstage module and so on and onstage module and product management, user management, order form management and so on.Through the science comprehensive test, the system has realized the main function of product quoted price and the shopping on-line so on. As the important supplement for existing E-commerce and the shopping on-line pattern, the product quoted price system will certainly display its prominent superiority in the actual application.

Key words: Order Quotation;Shopping online;E-commerce; PHP; MySQL 


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本系统主要实现服装销售和传统在线购物的结合。一方面用户可以使用该系统对产品进行多种属性的搜索,对不同制造商和不同型号的产品进行简单的比较,最后提交订单并完成整个在......
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