
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:li145533 更新时间:2014-06-18
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摘  要:随着时代的进步,科技的发展,计算机已经潜移默化的影响着我们生活的方方面面,计算机凭借着高科技赋予的强大功能,使计算机进入人类社会的各个领域并发挥着不可替代的作用。

   田径运动会是学校每年都要举行的重大活动,它在学校体育教育和校园文化中处于非常重要的位置。随着我校招生规模的不断扩大,运动会比赛项目、参赛人数不断增加, 数据处理量的变化与时效性要求不断提高,管理较为复杂。目前我校仍采用传统手工进行信息处理方式管理运动会, 这种管理方式存在许多缺点, 如效率低、保密性差, 而且时间一长将产生大量的冗余文件, 给查找、更新和维护工作带来了很大的困难, 并且不便于数据统计和保存,直接影响着工作质量与效率,与信息时代的管理要求极不协调。用现代化的手段完成我校田径运动会各项有关信息处理工作,对于规范学校信息化管理,减轻主办单位复杂而繁重的工作,运动员能及时、准确的查找竞赛相关信息,具有重要的意义。

   鉴此,我运用Microsoft Visual Studio 2005和Microsoft SQL Server 编程技术进行开发了田径运动会信息管理系统,该系统充分发挥计算机在数据统计和传输方面的优势,辅助组织者完成运动员报名、分组编排、成绩统计、信息查询等多项工作, 极大减轻了比赛管理者的工作负担, 提高了工作效率。



ABSTRACT:With the progress of the times, the development of science and technology, the computer has a subtle influence on our lives, computers by virtue of the power conferred by the high-tech, put the computer into various areas of human society and plays an irreplaceable role.

   Track and Field Games is the school every year at major events, it is a very important position in the school physical education and campus culture. With the constant expansion of school enrollment, sports events, the number of entries increases, increasing demands of the changes and timeliness of the amount of data processing, management is more complex. My school is still using the traditional manual handling information management Games, this management approach, there are many shortcomings, such as low efficiency, poor security, and over time will generate a lot of redundant files, to find, update and maintain the work great difficulties, and not easy to statistics and save directly affects the quality and efficiency, and management of the information age requires a very uncoordinated. Use modern means to complete the school track and field sports all relevant information-processing work to standardize the school information management, to reduce the complex and heavy workload of the organizers and athletes in a timely manner, accurately find the contest information, is of great significance.

   In view of this, I use Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server programming techniques to develop a track and field sports information management system, the system give full play to the advantages of computer in statistics and data transmission, assisted organizers to complete the Athlete Registration, Grouping, performance statistics, information inquiry and so many tasks, greatly reducing the workload of the game managers to improve the work efficiency.

Keywords: Track and field sports; ASP.NET; Management system

上传会员 li145533 对本文的描述:田径运动会信息管理系统是一个综合信息管理系统。它主要由参赛报名、信息维护、信息查询、编排管理、成绩管理、秩序册六个模块组成。信息查询包括报名查询、赛事查询、成绩查......
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