
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:li145533 更新时间:2014-06-18
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摘  要:“XX学院数字图书共享平台”是XX学院正在建设的“数字图书馆”的一个分支,它主要的功能是为本校师生提供一个数字图书共享平台,在这个平台师生可以上传、下载图书,将自己拥有的资源分享给他人,同时从这个平台搜索到自己想要的资源,最终实现图书的共享。用户登录网站之后可以搜索需要的图书,并在线阅读,决定收藏或下载图书。网站还为师生提供了在线交流平台,登录之后可以在相应的栏目下发表自己的帖子,或者回复帖子,与志同道合的朋友交流读书心得,考试经验。


   本网站开发采用C#.NET编程语言,以Visual Studio 2005、SQL Server 2000为开发工具,Windows XP作为操作系统而实现。设计实现了:图书上传功能、图书下载功能、图书搜索功能、图书收藏夹功能、用户管理功能、数字图书的管理、统计图书功能、新闻发布功能、图书论坛功能。  

关键词:数字图书馆;图书共享; SQL SERVER 2000;ASP.NET;图书搜索


ABSTRACT:"HongHe University Digital books sharing platform" is the HongHe University is building a "digital library" of a branch, its main function is to provide a digital library school students and teachers shared platform, this platform students can upload, download books , to share their own resources to others, and from this platform you want to search the resource,Ultimately to achieve the sharing of books. Users visit the website can search for the needed books, and online reading, determine the collection or download books. The site also provides teachers and students online communication platform, After logging in the corresponding part, your posts, or reply Post reading experience, and the exchange of like-minded friends, the examination experience.

   Since the 1990s, due to the widespread use of digital technology, the rapid development of information technology, the "digital library" large-scale research in the world, planned to carry out, the digital library into the 21st century, the focus of global cultural competition First, the evaluation of a national information infrastructure is an important indicator of the level, which the Red River College is stepping up efforts to build their own digital libraries, integration of digital resources. Expectations by providing user-friendly search feature that allows users to quickly search for the required resources, while encouraging users to upload their own digital library to the site, constantly enrich the digital library resource Web site, make your site dynamic.

   The system development using C#.NET programming language, take Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2000 as the development tool, Windows XP as the operating system implementation. Designed and implemented: upload books, Download books, book search, Book Favorites feature, User management functions, Management of digital books, statistics books features, News, forum features.

Keywords: Digital Library; Sharing books; SQL SERVER 2000; ASP.NET; Book Search.

上传会员 li145533 对本文的描述:目前国外在这方面的工作已有一定的基础,在数字图书馆领域,通过Z39. 50、OAI等协议集成异构资源系统成为构建数字图书馆资源共享平台的常用方式。国内在数字图书馆领域一般采用简单......
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