
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-21
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  本课题开发了新视窗人才招聘网站,该网站分为前台和后台两部分。其中前台主要实现登录注册、查看搜索招聘信息以及人才信息、制作简历还有问题检索等功能。后台主要实现对用户信息、简历、公司信息、企业招聘职位等信息的修改和录入等功能。本课题将给管理员管理整体网站带来方便,减少工作量,为企业会员和个人会员发布求职招聘信息提供捷径,给求职者提供广阔的就业平台。网站主要采用了ASP和SQL Server数据库等开发技术。论文较为详尽的阐述了新视窗人才招聘网的制作过程。

关键词:网络求职招聘;ASP;SQL Server


Abstract:With the development of network information technology, network applications in people's lives more and more widely, network job recruitment job recruitment has become one of the important means. Through its candidates and the recruitment of enterprise Internet can break through the space and time limit, achieve the candidates work job and enterprise talent recruitment.

  This paper developed a new recruitment site, the site is divided into two parts front and back. The main achievement of the future registration, search recruitment information and personnel information, production notes and search functions. Background the main achievement of the user information, resume, company information, corporate recruitment and other information to modify and input functions. This paper will give the administrator management overall site convenience, reduce the workload, as corporate members and individual members release job recruitment information to provide a shortcut, to job seekers broad employment platform. Website using ASP and SQL Server database development technology. The paper detailed expounds new talent recruitment network production process.

Key words: recruitment of network job; ASP; SQL Server


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:这次毕业设计的课题就是设计开发一个新视窗人才招聘网,通过新视窗人才招聘网,求职者就不必在拿着厚厚的简历,满头大汗的在人才市场中穿梭,招聘企业也不需要花费大量的人力......
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