
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-13
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  Visual Basic作为一个面对对象的语言,以其多元化的控件来实现网络通讯,其简单方便的开发模式,强大的功能,和跨平台的优势成为很多编程者的开发工具,被认为功能和操作性综合评价最高的开发工具,其独特的面对对象,在运行速度,安全性,可移植性均比传统的开发语言有很大的改进。



Abstract:This article describes the LAN chat system status, problems and future development goals; server and client implementation, including system design objectives, overall design, requirements analysis, detailed design and system implementation of the relevant content. Compared with traditional mobile phone, phone chat, LAN chats with its unique mode of communication is gradually being well known. 

  Firstly, the benefits of this system is obvious, it does not pay much costs, as long as can achieve with your friends chat, other communication tools can not match it, you can also resource sharing, mutual transfer. Secondly, the user group, and this is a lot of people choose to implement this system of communication reasons. When you weary of life, or would like to know some new friends, can be achieved through it. 

  Visual Basic as an object-oriented language, with its wide range of controls to implement network communication, its development model is simple and convenient, powerful features, and advantages of a cross-platform development tools for many programmers, is considered the functions and operations the most comprehensive evaluation of development tools, its unique object-oriented, in the speed, security, portability than a traditional development language is a considerable improvement.

Keywords:VB;  chat management;  Socket; server; client

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:在探讨VB和数据库互联技术的基础上,设计开发一套局域网聊天系统,其主要实现:1)系统采用Socket技术实现网络通讯;2)系统主要实现用户登录、聊天(加密)、服务器管理等功能;......
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