
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-13
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关键字: 网站设计;幼儿园;ASP


Abstract:This thesis designed a kind of website for kindergartens based on ASP technology, with features of being convenient for parents to communicate with teachers in time, helpful for teachers to hold the characteristics of children, then to teach appropriately according to their aptitudes. Through the website parents can discuss each other thus to benefit a lot from child-raising experience. Also the latest notices and announcements from kindergartens can be informed promptly. It is a powerful platform for learning, where parents are able to learn a lot of parenting skills but don't need to be outdoor. This site be to achieve by asp + access technology in the Windows operating system. This site consists of nursery introduction, affiche and news, class dynamics, children recipe and parents communication.

  This article is written based on this website.first describes the background of topics, the actuality of nursery site construction, design ideas. Then describe the analysis of system design and realization of system functions detailly. Finally, we conducted a review and outlook, and evaluate the site objectively. This thesis aims to promote the development of the website of China's pre-school education, and build green Internet homes for children. 

Keywords:website design;kindergarten;ASP

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:本网站的发行能够有力推动幼儿园的招生工作;通过该网站的公告栏第一时间将幼儿园的工作安排公布在网站醒目位置处,使每位园内老师和工作人员及时且便捷的了解工作方向,安排......
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