
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-04
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摘要:随着因特网的普及和相关技术的成熟,基于Internet的企业电子商务越显其强大优势。本文论述的基于B2C电子商务的订单系统具有商品目录、会员注册、网上购物、会员留言、订单处理、后台数据库管理等功能。本系统采用B/S结构,系统的开发选用了当前比较流行的网络编程技术——JSP作为主要实现手段(从系统的安全性和代码的可重用性方面考虑,配合使用了Java Servlet、JSP、Java Bean、HTML等),同时采用MySQL数据库作为数据库管理系统。本系统是企业开展电子商务的基础设施和信息平台,是电子商务运转的承担者和表现者。



Abstract:with the popularity of the Internet and related technology maturity, the enterprise based on Internet e-commerce more show its powerful advantage. This paper discusses the order based on B2C e-commerce system with merchandise catalogs, member, online shopping, member messages, stock inquiry, backend database management, and other functions. The system uses the B/S structure, system development chose the current popular network programming technology -- the JSP as the main means of realization (from system security and code reusability into consideration, cooperate with Servlet, use Java Bean, HTML, and Java JSP, etc), and using mysql database as a database management system. This system is the enterprise develop e-commerce infrastructure and information platform, is electronic commerce .

Key words: XML based on B2C e-commerce order system; The JSP; Servlet; MySql

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:通过深入了解电子商务网站的运行和设计模式,收集多方面切实可行的资料,对电子商务订单的需求进行深入调研,确定出信息系统该具备的目标、功能、性能。根据业务需求、信息需......
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